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Subtle,Powerful, Charming – Like You!You enjoy having business meetings – you like the thrill of negotiation and the taste of victory. You like to make wise decisions and get results faster than your team originally estimated. You believe in the power of well-done work. Then you know that a business ludovic will only highlight all these elements and give a special charm to your approach.
Specialized in luxurious masculine tailoring, Sir Ludovic learns alongside you and your choices the secrets of a flawless ladies’ business suit. We have some key strengths: high-quality fabrics, a great tailoring tradition, access to the latest color and association trends, and a perfect taste of your educated choices.
FărăcusurSpecializat pe croitorie masculină de lux, Sir Ludovic învață alături de tine și de alegerile tale tainele unui ludovic business feminin fără cusur. Avem câteva atuuri esențiale: țesături de cea mai bună calitate, tradiție în croitorie de mare finețe, acces la ultimele tendințe în materie de culori și asocieri și un gust desăvârșit de alegerile tale educate.
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